Wednesday 24 March 2010

3WW: Writers Block

Now, regarding the prompt words, I have to say frankly
Though I hunger for ideas my mind loiters blankly
And I’ve really no way to try solving the puzzle
Of a sensible reason to use the verb “nuzzle”
So I’ve brazened it out, I’m now anxiously waiting
For next week’s muse – hope she’s more accommodating

3WW: Brazen, Hunger, Nuzzle


  1. Ha! Cute! I have to admit that I was at a bit of a loss today too. I went with the old standby, haiku.

    Nuzzle is one of my least favorite words in the English language. Right up with supple and flexible. I think I must be a little repressed or something. =)

  2. Like the way you got around those hated words!

  3. I wish writers block was always like that.

  4. I love it when we brazen out writers block and nuzzle the words into something that satisfies the hunger LOL - Great job!

  5. *giggle*! What a delightful, rhythmic little poem. Great job with the words! Your muse is closer than you think. :)

  6. i enjoyed the song wrapped in the response of not knowing and exactly knowing what to write...
