Wednesday 6 January 2010

Snowed in

The guy from ATOC said on the news that "if they're patient, travellers can get where they're going". Clearly he hasn't tried travelling from my local station. Meanwhile, local radio advises train passengers to "check before you travel". Fair enough, but with the National Rail website, special severe weather helpline and regular helplines all inaccessible due to the sheer amount of traffic, quite tricky to achieve unless you're psychic.

Think travelling by road would be better? Well, some bright spark had the idea of ploughing them without gritting, so the roads are sheets of ice, with nice high snow banks either side for the cars to skid into and get stuck. I didn't like to take any pictures of people digging themselves out (some photo-journalist I make), but here's my favourite set of skid marks, beautifully slaloming into the distance
The lights are flickering now, so it's anyone's guess how long we have before the electricity goes...

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